Dear valued customers,
We are excited to announce a special offer from for the Christmas and year-end festivities. During this period, our Ham Web Design service is available at a special discounted rate of 20%, bringing the price down from U$350 to U$280.
This exclusive offer is valid from Nov 28, 2023, to Dec 31, 2023. We believe this is a wonderful opportunity for you to enhance your web presence with our top-notch design services.
Wishing you a joyous Christmas and a delightful end to the year. May your holidays be filled with happiness and warmth.
Best regards, The Team
고객여러분 안녕하십니까?
HamReady.net은 Christmas 와 연말을 맞이하여 Special offer 를 진행 합니다.
Ham 웹디자인을 U$350에서 U$280 으로 20% Discount 하며, Special offer 기간은 Nov 28, 2023 ~ Dec 31, 2023 까지 입니다.
Christmas 와 연말을 맞이하여 행복한 시간 되시길 바랍니다.
Best regards, The Team